Series of sound cards "The mahJ's key works"
Project produced in partnership with Ce Que Mes Yeux Ont Vu (new tab) and in collaboration with the École de la2e Chance en Seine-Saint-Denis and the Centre éducatif fermé d'Épinay-sur-Seine.

Rouleau de la Torah

In 2020, this first audio-description project brought together the mahJ and the cultural and social enterprise Ce que Mes Yeux Ont vu, the Second Chance School in Seine-Saint-Denis and the closed educational centre in Épinay-Sur-Seine.
Around fifteen young people, some of whom were learning French as a foreign language, took part in eight activities at the mahJ: a tour of the museum, focusing on the discovery of ten objects - including lamps for the Festival of Lights, a Moroccan Jewish wedding dress, a sculpture of Alfred Dreyfus, etc. - as well as mediation workshops around the works and theatre workshops to learn how to use their voices. These sessions also involved around twenty members of museum staff.
These activities culminated in a trio of students and museum staff recording the works, the highlight of the project.
More than a media tool, the Pastilles sonores are an inclusive, participatory project that reflects the values of intercultural dialogue espoused by the mahJ.

A young girl records in front of the microphone
This project was awarded the Prix Ilan Halimi in 2021. This prize is awarded for a collective project involving at least five young people under the age of 25 who have taken action against racist and anti-Semitic prejudice and stereotypes. The prize is supported by the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Interministerial Delegation for Combating Racism, Anti-Semitism and Anti-LGBT Hatred (DILCRAH), the MGEN, the CNOUS and Radio France..
Listen to the podcasts (in French)
Discover the podcasps by clicking on the orange play/pause button on each audio file below. You can also find our playlist on SoundCloud (new tab).
To see the works, you can also browse the photo gallery below the audio players.
The artworks in pictures
You can find out more about these works by clicking on the ‘i’ information icon at the top left.

Recueil Duran

Arche sainte


Cabane Soukkah

Soukkah, village près du lac de Constance, Autriche ou Allemagne (?), XIXe siècle, 4e quart

Bandelettes Mappot

Panneau de revêtement mural, poterie Chemla (vers 1880-1966), Tunis, vers 1920. Céramique polychrome, 121 x 68 x 4 cm

Panneau de revêtement mural, poterie Chemla (vers 1880-1966), Tunis, vers 1920. Céramique polychrome, 121 x 68 x 4 cm (détail)

Synagogue de Bordeaux

Maquette de Dreyfus

To find out more
If you would like to see other works in the permanent collection, please visit the ‘ Key works (new tab) ’ section.
Virginie Genest
Education and mediation department assistant manager
+33(0)1 53 01 86 62